I walked in the door after sending my oldest daughter off to sleep away camp. On my calendar, a meeting was quickly approaching. From there, an infinite pile of tasks occupied room in my head. I sat down, closed my eyes, and paused briefly instead of rushing myself. It was in that mindful pause, I remembered that I’m right here–between the roles of parent and entrepreneur, being tugged in every direction, through the transitions of summer. Pausing didn’t create more space in my schedule or mind, but it did remind me that I get to choose how I respond to life’s circumstances. All of the in-between moments that carry us through life. An underrated beauty.
When I work with leaders who face a challenging situation or high-stakes decision, I return to this idea of moving with poise through inevitable adversity. It’s a lesson I’m constantly relearning as well. When can I show up fully if dinner still has to be made or the car won’t start or a meeting didn’t go as planned or everything is simply constantly shifting? How can I ease into this imperfect moment, with awareness, embodied in all my messy humanity?
Mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn has explored these questions for decades. In one version of his answer, he writes that it’s about “the mindful attitude of trust and of trusting yourself. Trusting your own basic wisdom and goodness.”
From lived experience, I’ve found these words to be true. As a mother, I need to be present for my daughters. And I also need them to see that their mom can handle parenthood, daily responsibilities, and financial obligations. So, the mindful attitude becomes a vital approach to daily living. With this awareness as a resource, I remind myself that I’ve intentionally crafted my career around these personal values. And I’m committed to continue trusting myself in ordera mission to create a life that serves me so that I can show up as the best version of myself, in accordance with my values and a greater purpose and values.
Tell me how you keep your poise through times when seemingly nothing is going your way. I believe in the value of these conversations, especially when we talk about leadership. Because we can care about the bigger perspective while also being more present. And I know that our intelligence and wisdom are always and only available in the now, that brief moment that exists between what was and what comes next.
Comment below! How do you make sure not to lose yourself when you’re going through hard times?